New Moon in Taurus May 2021

New Moon inย Taurus May 2021


If you're new to aligning with the moon, give thisย blog post a read.ย New moons symbolize a fresh start and the time for intention setting and envisioning your future. As the moon is in its darkest phase, you can think of it as a new beginning, an empty canvas, or even your soil where you plant the seeds for new beginnings.ย 

This new moon on May 11/12 falls into the sign of Taurus, opening the doorway to Eclipse Season. The energy of Eclipse season is all aboutย transformation, as it is during this time we are offered new paths, that'll feel more aligned to our soul purpose and growth.ย 


Taurus energy: all about prioritizing YOU

This particular New moon falls into the sign of Taurus. The following snippet is directly from "Taurus energy is all about self care that preserves your energy for what you truly value, setting boundaries, and not neglecting your well-being for the comfort of others. Putting yourself first is the ultimate form of self care, and the new moon in Taurus of 2021 urges you to break out of any devaluing and limiting situations with its connection to rebellious Uranus in Taurus."ย 

Even if new decisions and a new direction can feel challenging, it is essential for our growth. Use this energy to your benefit and truly align your life, decisions so that they match and align with your desires. If you're radically honest with yourself, are and strip away any judgements you might feel from others (and yourself), what do you want for yourself? What feels good? What doesn't? What excites you? And again, what doesn't? What kind of life do you see yourself living?ย 


Align with the moon.


New Moon in Taurus May 2021

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With love,
